The Headmaster's Diary - 1911

Victoria School - Kurseong.


3rd March 1911

School re-opened, the two main parties of boys having arrived on the 29th of February and the 1st March.
There were two Class Masters and the Munshi absent. One class Master was required for the new 8th Standard and one other to replace Mr. D'Abreu, appointed recently to the Nagpur Museum. The Munshi having undergone a very serious operation has applied for three months medical leave. In addition to this shortage, Mr. D'Abreu having married Mrs. Hall, I am without the services of a trained nurse. I understand that there is some difficulty in obtaining a successor to the latter, so with a full school and no competent nursing available I am naturally anxious. I hear that a Mr. Cranenburgh has been appointed to succeed Mr. D'Abreu and that he will arrive here on the 8th instant.

I am doing the best I can with the other standard but as I am called here and there and everywhere throughout the day I naturally cannot give it the attention it requires.

I have arranged the classes thus until the arrival of the new teacher from England

Technical Classes. Messrs.' Greene and Elliott
8th Form Mr. Pinto
7th Form Mr. Gooch
6th Form Mr. Barker
5th Form Mr. Price
4th Form Mr. Sharp
3rd Form Mr. Cranenbough
2nd Form ----------------
1st Form Mrs. Sharp and infants

I am strongly of the opinion that a teacher for the Infant class should be appointed here. It is extremely difficult for Mrs. Sharp to handle the Infant Class and form `1 and I do not think that anyone can possible do justice to both.

8th March.

Mr. Cranenburgh arrived. I have been doing the best I can with the two classes (2nd and 3rd) without teachers but as I am called here, here there and everywhere during school time, that is not much Mrs. Barnes has helped me greatly by taking one of the classes.

I of course have had little or no time to go round the school.
13th March

All has gone well during the past week and the school has filled up more rapidly than I ever remember it. The fact of Victoria School having been made more a Secondary School has largely increased the number of applicants for admission.

14th March

Mrs. Stephens arrived to take up the work of Nurse here during Mrs. Hall's (now Mrs. D'Abreu) leave of absence. Mr. Whittaker has carefully attended the hospital up to this time, in addition to his other duties.

16th March

I took class 4 all day in the absence of Mr. Price who had to go to Darjeelup about his teeth.

17th March

A heavy day I went around the classes, my wife taking standard 2 for me. Witnessed lessons in the Technical Department, dealt with (page 179) large ?????? of correspondence and other work, inspected dormitories, godowns, kitchen etc.

18th March

I looked after 8th form in the absence of Mr. Pinto.

20th March

Letters as usual

22nd March

I took a short lesson in English Comprehension and story reproduction I the front of Mr. Cranenburgh in std 3. The classis a poor one and will take some time to recover from the effect of D'Abreu's unskillful handling. (Visited two or three of the other classes.

23rd March

I gave a lesson to the upper classes upon the life of St John the Divine. I witnessed a lesson in std 3 on notation and numeration of large numbers.

The weather has warmed up considerable and headaches and colds are numerous amongst the boys. It is very odd that the cold cloudy weather in early spring and late autumn and the reeking misty months of the rains are the healthy times for the boys at Victoria School.

The sun is our greatest enemy here. Cloudy weather means a (page 180) clean bill of health – Sunny weather a full hospital.

????? an unusual improvement in work, discipline and appearance in class 2 in which Mrs. Barnes has been giving me such help. I am of opinion that a strong lady teacher suits boys of that age better, than a man.
? of cleanliness, dress, deportment, etc. receive more attention under a lady where little boys are concerned and the latter are all the better from a little mothering.

I was in the 2nd class most of this afternoon, giving them a lesson in ??????? and one on the 1st Declension (Latin).

25th March

I spent the whole morning in charge of class V, Mr Price being away having his teeth attended to.

The spelling of the class requires much more attention.

27th March

Measles and Mumps have broken out here – one case of each. I have reported the outbreak to the Inspectors. Both cases have been imported from Calcutta and the boy with measles came up with a freshly signed medical certificate. It is hard to know what to do at the commencement of (Pge 181) the term. A segregation Hospital is badly needed as once infection is introduced; it spreads like wildfire under present conditions.

I am now paying 12 annas a pound for tea and am getting inferior stuff to what used to be locally procurable for 4 Anna. Other articles have gone up in price and it cannot be long before something must be done to increase the boarding allotment for Victoria School.

28th March

D.Von Heurenkohl having developed something akin to kleptomania, I felt it my duty to write and advise his father to remove him from Victoria School. I did not take this step until had exhausted every other available means. Reasoning, threats and caning, The boy was sent for yesterday by his father and left for Calcutta today by the Mail.
I hold confessions signed by the boy himself (page 182) of several petty thefts of which he admits that he was the perpetrator.

Murdock arrived with a medical certificate. I take no boy – old or new – who arrives late without one.

There has been no further case of measles. The mumps are on the increase.

30th March

All going well there has only been three cases of mumps admitted in hospital and there has only been one case of measles. The latter would appear to me to be more like what is known as Rose Rash. There has been no fever, no running at the nose, not scabies, not exhaustion. I took a lesson in Std 3. I gave a half-holiday to try and dry out the mumps. A clever native juggler gave an exhibition of his powers to the school.

31st March

A very busy day, I took lessons in class 2.

1st April

I took class 2 in an arithmetic exam. They are making splendid progress thanks to my fife's help.

3rd April

Letters as usual. All going well in and out of school.

There has only bee three cases of mumps and one case of measles of the lightest kind admitted into Hospital so far.

4th April

Meeting of sports committee. I took the chair. Accounts passed. Auditions Mess's C Gooch, D'Abreu and S. Hall.

5th April

I visited the Shops and Technical Classes, My wife still taking the 2nd Class.
I am pleased with Mr Craverburgh's work so far and he takes a keen interest in the boys games and most of which he is proficient – altogether a marked improvement on Mr. D'Abreu.

8th April

Half-Holiday, Victoria School V The District, at Cricket. Victoria won a well contested match.

10th April

Letters as usual. Work going on well in all Departments. No further cases of mumps and measles.

13th April

I took the 2nd class in the morning and we started out Easter Holidays from 2nd School.

14th April

Good Friday

15th April


16th April

The Lord Bishop of Calcutta held a service in the new chapel and spent the night as the guest of the Head Master.

17th April

Holy Communion by the Lord Bishop. The rest of the day was spent in a match at cricket between Gochals School and a Victoria the latter winning a hollow victory by an innings and 108 runs.

18th April

School was resumed. I forgot to mention that on the 17th Mrs. Howatson, The mother of on of our boys gave most kindly an enjoyable picnic to our younger boys in the forest. I took class 2 all the day.

19th April

I took the 2nd class all day.

20th April

I took the 2nd class all day

21st April

I took the 2nd class all day

22nd April

Weekly exam in ???? as usual

24th April

Letters. j Witnessed a lesson in the Technical Class on areas.

25th April

I handed up D. Von Herrenkohl's cast to Govt.

The mumps still continue but in no great numbers or severity. There we however several cases of swollen glands with no temperature or pain attending class.

26th April

I heard Mrs. Barnes giving an arithmetic lesson in class 2. I visited class 3, the Technical class and the shops.

27th April

I took scripture in the upper classes and later in class 2.

28th April

I gave a half holiday, The weather for a wonder being really fine.

"Lucio" the Juggler gave a delightful performance in the School Hall, 8 to 10. pm.

29th April

I allowed the boys to sleep a little longer in the morningand School opened at 8.15 and closed at the ususal weekly examinations was held.

1st May

I took a very interesting lesson in Class 8 on ?????

They are a good class and should do well in the Junior Cambridge Exams.

2nd May

Pay-day - a very busy day. I spent a considerable time in the Technical Classes.

The 2nd year are very strong and should do us credit.

3rd May

I took a lesson on Mental Arithmatic in Class 3 put a speeling test in Class 4 and took another lesson in Class 5 besides reading through the usual percentage of the boy's letters.

Mumps still lingers on.

The attack is very mild and on the whole the health of the school is excellent.

Work is making great strides and the games are in a very satisfactory condition.

Mrs Barnes is still taking the work of ClassII and the class is making excellent progress under her.

5th May

Mrs Sharp being ill, I spent the day partly in the 1st and partly in the 2nd Class, assited by my wife. I varied this by a lesson on the ???? in Class 4.

6th May

A repetition of yesterday.

8th May

Mrs. Sharp returned to work. I took a lesson in Class 2.

9th May

I spent 2 ? hours in Class 2 and went round with the Doctor. Letters examined.

10th May

The mumps have nearly gone.

11th/12th May

I spent all of each day in Class 2

13th May

We closed school at 10am in order to play the District at Cricket. The School lost the match.

15th May

We closed School at 10am to play District at Hockey. The School defeated the District by 7 goals to 1.

16th May

I spent some time in Class 3 and in the Technical Classes. Mr. Waite took "Service" in the School Chapel and I posted under a Registration cover the originals in the Heurenkohl case to the Inspector of English Schools.

17th May

The mumps appear to have died down. The Hospital is empty but for one boy with a cough.

Work in progressing well.

20th May

I gave a half holiday as I had to meet the Inspector at the Station in connection with the Heurenkohl Case. I took Mr. Banker ? ??? with me.

21st May

Mr. Waite took the usual Sunday Service

22nd May

I took lessons in the second and fourth Classes.

23rd May

I took a short English Grammar lesson in Class 3, the discipline in the class is good but the teaching moderate. I had to send for Mr. Humphrey in the evening to see J Bews (???). He pronounced the boy to be suffering from a mild attack of Diphtheria.

24th May

No holiday was given, as it couldn't be spared. I wired about Bews to the Inspector and to the boy's father. The child seems much better today.

The cadets paraded and the Magic Lantern exhibition was arranged. The latter had to be postponed owing to a failure in the Acetylene Hose.

I heard part of a lesson in Class 3.

25th May

I took Scripture as usual and a lesson in Class 2.

26th May

Dr. Denning arrived and arranged to inspect his Department on Monday morning next. I took another lesson in Class 2.

27th May

Examinations as usual. I went round the Dormitories, godowns and Technical Department.

I gave a most successful Magic Lantern Show in the evening the gas being on its best behavior.

28th May

Sunday The Sanitary Commissioner (Bengal) Dr. Chemsha (????) visited the School. Mr. Waite took Service in the School Chapel. The Diphtheria seems of the mildest type. Twelfth case of Mumps treated in the School Hospital Up to date. The boys are looking splendidly fit and all is going well.

29th May

There have been 9 inches of rain in the last three days and 20 inches so fare in May – the wettest May on record.
It really seems as if the rains have burst here.

2nd June

The School was visited by the Hon. Mr. Stacke CSI, Mrs. Stacke and the Hon. Mr. Küchlet. DPS. The visit passed off most successfully. Mr. Stacke expressed himself a greatly pleased and made Sunday promises of gifts to the School such at PS 100/- yearly for the Library, the New Encyclopedia Britannica, the Oxford Dictionary and Sundry cups for volunteering and Athletics.

Mr. Slacke was also struck by the need for a proper gymnasium at Victoria School. He asked that an extra Holiday be given on Monday (Whit Monday).

The premises was thoroughly instpected and aspecial display by Gym 16 and by the Schools Choir was witnessed.

3rd June

A half holiday in honor of the Kings Birthday. The Cadets were paraded in uniform. The March Past, saluted the Flag, fired a feu-de-joie, and gave three hearty cheers for the King-Emperor.

4th June

Sunday the Rev. A Waite took Divine Service at 3.15pm.

5th June

Whit-Monday – a holiday.

6th June

Mr. Gravenburgh having been granted four days casual leave, I spent the whole day in his class.

He is I fear a very moderate teacher indeed though otherwise an agreeable man. The class is very backward indeed in Arithmetic and the reading is poor. The Geography is poor also. The mental Arithmetic is good, likewise the discipline. It may be fancy but the accent of the boys appear to me to be deteriorating.

I hope not as Victoria School has a goodreute in that respect. Mr Cravenburgh accent is certainly very trying. Mr Waite again took Service.

The rains appear to have broken.

The mumps at present have died down and athe Diphthera case isdoing splendidly. The latter case is Heavily case in the Victoria School Hospital.

7th June

I visited the Technical Classes and Class 4. All going on well.

8th June

I met the Inspector of English Schools at the Kenseong Railway Station by appointment.

9th June

I went up to Derjeelup at Mr. Stackes request and have had an interview with him.

10th June

Mr. Stackes report upon his visit to Victoria School was received. It was entirely favorable and couched thus:-
"I was much please with all I saw and with the excellent control and management of the Head Master – Mr. A Barnes."

12th June

The Rains have set in heavily all over the District. Letters as usual. I went through and distributed the class examination papers. Results on the whole fair.

13th June

Mr. Prather's , Inspector of English Schools arrived and began in inspection of Victoria School.

I took advantage of Mr. Prather's presence to, Speak to him about the necessity for an extra teacher in the infant section. He quite agreed.

Call his attention to Dr. Clemesha's ordination of the Schools Latrine. I was requested to write in upon the subject.

Obtain permission for the Volunteer Instructor to remain him on Saturday night when he is on duty. Granted.

Point out that boys sitting for Cambridge Certificate must remain on at school long after the holidays begin. (Agreed)

To obtain a modification of the orders relating to Hindi and Latin. (Granted)

Obtain permission to hold occasional offertories in the School Chapel for Chapel expenses (Granted.)

Obtain permission to change dates of closing and opening school for the holidays to fit in with the Cambridge Examinations, say 15th December to 15th March. Inspector agreed if Doctor agrees.

16th June

A glorious day for and ad being the end of Inspection. I gave a whole holiday.

17th June

Examinations as usual. Mr W. H Staines of the India Sunday School Union gave a very in Magic Lantern Lecture and America.

20th June

Mr. Staines continued his lecture on America.

21st June June

All going well. Bews much better of Diphtheria. I took lessons in Class 4 on Mental Arithmetic and Latin. (verbs and nouns). 15 inches of rain in three days and the whole school is reeking with damp in consequence.

22nd June

Last night we had a concert and small informal dance in honor of the coronation and today being Coronation day I gave a whole holiday.

The Cadets put on their uniforms but the weather stepped in and prevented the usual feu-de-joie etc. Several of the elder boys were fortunate enough to be invited over to the Girls School in the evening to a pleasant little Coronation Dance there.

23rd June

I have had to strongly reprove Mr. Hall for taking too much upon himself at various times lately without any previous reference to me. He has a tendency to misunderstand his position. I believe in a little straight talking in such cases. No Hall hahad had it.

I took the 2nd class for ? of an hour this morning and found it in excellent order.


Exams as usual

26th June


27th June

Mr. Waite took Service and the Maharajah of Burdwan visited the School and gave a donation of RS 500/- he wants a picnic for the boys and the Pegler Memorial.

28th June

I heard a long and interesting lesson in Class 7 on Factors and Quadrates (Algebra) and had a chat with the boys on upon the need for reading a proper class of story book if the mind is to be week-read.

29th June

I spent all day in Class 6 (Mr. Barsher's) gave them two hours at Algebra in which I found them backward. The rest of the time I spent in English, Geography and Mental Arithmetic in which I found them fair to good.

30th June

I took a Latin Lesson in Class 2 in the morning and in the afternoon. I took a lesson in Class 8 on and "Midsummer Nights Dream"

1st July June

Weekly Exams as usual. I carefully inspected the Dormitories and visited the 'Shops'. The health of the School is splendid. Bleujs (?) will soon be up and out. I ?????

2nd July


3rd July

Letters as usual

4th July

I spent the whole morning in Class 2 and practically tested them in every department of their work. Doing nicely.

5th July

Continued in the 2nd Class as (an anxious to screw them up to concert pitch).

10th July

The half Yearly Examinations began

11th July

The Half Yearly Examinations

12th July

The Half Yearly Examinations still continues.

I have been conducting the exam in Class 2 in the afternoons.

13th July

Robertson was withdrawn.

I examined class 1 in reading and recitation in the morning and superintended the 2nd class during the whole of the afternoon. During the past week there has been heavy rain daily. We have played two Hockey Matches with Goctnals' School – drawing one and losing one. The Goctnals ground is impossible.

14th July

I examined the infants in Reading and recitations. They have been well taught. I took Class 2 in all subjects during 2nd School.

16th July

Mr. Waite took service in the New Chapel to both Schools.

17th July

Inspected Shops witnessed part of a lesson in Carpentry. I was present later in Class 6 during a Hindi Examination. In the afternoon I witnessed a good lesson on Cube Root, algebraically treated in the 1st year Technical Class by Mr. Greene.

18th July

I took part in a lesson on Arithmetic factors in class 3 and gave another one in Mental Arithmetic.
Service as usual and Holy Communion.

19th July

I took a long lesson in Class 5 on receiving decimals.

The class is a good one and seems to understand what they are doing. I witnessed a carpentry lesson and when through some of the half yearly exam papers.

20th July

I took the Upper School in Catechism and took part in a lesson on "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in Class 8. Later I witnessed and participated in an excellent lesson in the 7th Class on Physical Geometry by Mr. Gooch. I heard a lesson on Oxygen and Nitrogen in Class 6 by Mr. Barker.

21st July

I took Class 2 in Mental Arithmetic, and Latin.

22nd July

We have had almost incessant rain now for three weeks. The Mid-Term exams are over and regular work has been resumed in all the classes. The Health of the school is excellent. The football Tournaments are in full swing but the rain has rendered them less enjoyable than usual.

23rd July


24th July

I took part in a lesson in Class 7 in History, heard a lesson in Class a5 in Arithmetic Reduction and took a lesson on the Adjective and the Verb in Latin in Class 6.

25th July.

I gave a half-holiday the weather being fine. Visited Technical Classes and examined 6 papers of Classes, 8,7,5,,3,2,1, progress is being made, all round.

26th July

I took all the work in Class 8 in the morning Note:- Mr. Pinto should be reminded to press on with the Latin text book.

27th July

Class 5 fell to my lot all day. Mr. Price being unwell went through examination papers of Technical and 6th Classes. I took Scripture as usual and carefully examined the Physical Charts for the whole school. Loss of weight, where it occurs – appears to be confirmed at most completely to the Upper School.

On the whole the physical improvement of the boys has been very marked through there have been four or five marked deductions in weight. Three boys I have put on a special diet.

28th July

I took the usual lesson on Latin in Class 2.

29th July

I took Class 2

31st July

I took Class 2 all day, my wife being engaged.

1st August

Mr. Pinto being away I took Class 8

2nd August

I took Class 8 during fist school and paid the Salaries during second School. j I find Class 8 in a forward condition in most of their work but the text book work is decidedly behind hand ?.

I have asked Mr. Pinto to increase the pace in the Textbook work. I am finding a difficulty in obtaining accommodation for my survey party at Giliguri as the old Court House which they used to occupy during their annual trip in October has been handed over by the P.W.D. as the Khas Mohal Court and the Kurseong Magistrate having no jurisdiction. I fear some other way of accommodating my boys must be found.

Mr. Drake our Magistrate and has promised to do all he can.

3rd August

I visited two or three of the classes and took Scripture as usual.

4th August

I visited godowns, kitchens and dinning room also the Technical Classes. I took a Latin Lesson in Class 2.

5th August

Weekly examinations ----????

7th August

I was in Class 5 for about 1 ? hours and gave a lesson on the Mediterranean. The boys seem greatly interested and the answering was distinctly good. The discipline of the class is excellent.

8th August

I heard a good lesson in Class 8 by Mr. Pinto on Caesar also one in Class 7 by Mr. Goochran, Simultaneous Equations and another by Mr. Barker on ? (Page 199) in Class 6.

9th August

I took Latin lessons in Classes 8 & 7. They are both progressing nicely. I am very pleased with Mr. Gooch and with his work all round. I carefully inspected the gymnasium Squads for the day. They are busy preparing for their annual display next month.

10th August

I was present at a Singing Lesson to Classes 1 to 3 by Mr. Greene. I heard Mr. Cranenbugh give a lesson Reduction of money in Class 3a and Mr. Price gave a lesson multiplication in Algebra to Class 5 during the whole of second school. I taught Class 2, my wife being unwell.

In the afternoon I spent some hours examining work in the Shops.

11th August.

Latin in Class 2 as usual

During the week I placed myself on duty and took 3rd School.

The behavior of the boys was excellent throughout. I inspected all the leaks in the main building and reported them to the "Assistant Engineer". Their number has greatly diminished of late years, thanks to careful watching.
I have never seen the Class Books in so moldy a state before or during the rains and I have asked the teachers to recruit boys in each class to wipe the down the class books from time to time.

15th August

The weather being fine I gave a half-holiday. I am busy getting in Entry Forms and Fees for the Cambridge Local Examinations.

19th August

Examinations as usual. I went through the preceding weeks papers. All going on well. We defeated the strongest Hockey Team in the District and the Rav? 2 Goals to 1.

20th August

Service to the two Schools by Mr. Waite in the School Chapel.

21st August

I was busy all the morning in the finally disposing of the Cambridge work. The forms and fees have now been sent in to the Inspector.

I heard and took part in the Lesson on Square measure in Class 5.

Dr. Humphrey assured me that he thought it would be in no way harmful but the reverse if we closed School in the middle of December and re-opened in the meddle of March. year by hear. This course has naturally been suggested by the timing of the Cambridge Local Examinations and the Inspector has already in approval of the change being made if it is feasible.

22nd August

I witnessed lessons and took part in two of them in Classes 3,5,6, and 7. They were all lessons in Arithmetic.

23rd August, 1911

I looked through the weekly examination papers, took a short lesson in Class 4 in Latin, and witnessed a very interesting lesson to Classes 3 & 4 in wand (?) and Bar-Bell (?) drill by Mr. Hall.

24th August.

Scripture as usual, witnessed part of a lesson in Class 4..

26th August.


I took a lesson in Latin ??? in Class 8.

Half Holiday.

29th August,

Scripture as usual. I visited dormitories and shops and took Latin lesson in Class 8.

1st September

I took a lesson in Grammar in Class 2 and visited Class 3 where I heard a portion of a lesson in Arithmetic.

2nd September,

I spent the whole of the morning in Class 6 Arithmetic and letters took up most of the time.

Mr. Barker had gone up to Darjeeling with our Hockey team. They defeated the Goethal XI by 5 goals to 1 on the Shrubbery Ground.

4th September

Letters as usual.

I witnessed a lesson in Free Gymnastics by Mr. Hall.

5th September

I went through a Geography paper in Class 7 and heard part of a lesson in Geometry Mr. Waite took the Service as usual.

6th September

I took a lesson in the 5th Class on Latin Prose. The answering was good and the knowledge of Syntax excellent.

7th September

I heard lessons on Algebra in Class 6 to 8, one in Latin in Class 6, one in General Knowledge in Class 4 and also part of an English composition lesson in the same Class.

I took Scripture in the Upper School.

They were satisfactory.

8th September

I took Latin as usual in Class 2, The work throughout the school is very ????? and the whole staff is working hard and intelligently.

9th September

Exams as usual.

11th September

Class 1 and Infants in the morning in the afternoon I gave a half-holiday as it turned out the only fine day we have had for a long time past.

12th September

I spent an hour giving a General Knowledge lesson to Class 7. Some of the answers were astonishing. Several boys had never heard of George Stevenson.

13th September

I gave a General Knowledge lesson to Class 6 and heard part of a lesson on Arithmetic in Class 7.

14th September

I took a General Knowledge lesson in Class,5, answering was fine.

15th September

In the absence of Mr. Price I took charge of Class 5 on the 14th and 15th (Thursday and Friday) Mr. Price was sent by me to Darjeeling to buy the Sports Prizes.

16th September

Examinations as usual

17th September ( Sunday)

Rev A Wade took Service to the combined Schools in the new Chapel.

18th September,

I took an interesting lesson in St 8 on General Knowledge and one upon the same subject in Class 5. Some of the answers were ludicrous. I was answered by some boys that a dolphin has four legs, that the inhabitants of Russia were Jews, and that 300 feet is the length of a Dreadnaught.

19th September

I spent the whole of the morning up to "Service" time thoroughly testing Class 4 in several departments of their work. The Class is in a very satisfactory state.

20th September

I witnessed parts of lessons in Classes 5 & 6.

21st September

Scriptures as usual. A large part of the day was taken up by an inspection, conducted by the Adjutant N.B.M.R. (Captain Liddell).

[Ed Note: N.B.M.R. "North Bengal Mountain Rifles" or was it "Mounted Rifles?"]

23rd September

Exams as usual.

24th September

I took charge of Class 2, all day.

26th September

A half-holiday for the Gymnastics Display which was largely attended, and which proved very successful.

27th September

I took an English Lesson in Class 7.

28th September

Scripture as usual. I took the work in Class2 for an hour.

29th September

A most successful concert was held in the School Hall. Which was packed with people. In the evening a number of our boys, by the special invitation of the Head Mistress, were present at a very enjoyable dance at the Girls School.



1st October


2nd October, Puja Holidays

4th October, Puja Holidays

5th October, Puja Holidays.

School reopened. I took Scripture as usual and spent the rest of the day in wiping off arrears of correspondence, etc.

6th October

I took Latin in Class 2 which is getting along quite nicely and I carefully examined several sets of weekly examination papers. I marked the Drawing Examination in Class 4.

7th October

Examinations as usual. The rains are still in full swing and I am feeling anxious about the prospects of my Survey Class which has to proceed to Siliguri during the coming week to camp out.

8th October

I sent Mr. Elliott down to Siliguri to spy out the land and to see about tents. I fear however that the trip will have to be postponed.

9th October

Still pouring with rain. Heard a lesson in Analysis in Class 6 and took a lesson in Latin Translation and Construction in Class 8.

10th October

Mr. Waite took Service.

I spent the afternoon on the Bench.

11th October

I took Class 2 all day as my wife consented to escort 5 boys from Victoria who won S.P.C.A. prizes and Certificates up to Darjeeling to the Prize Distribution there.

12th October

I took Scriptures in the morning and in the afternoon.

I took a lesson in Spelling in Class 6.

12th October

The weather has cleared up a bit and Mr. Elliott who returned yesterday reports fine weather at Siliguri.

In consequence of this, I am sending the Survey Party down there today under his charge.

13th October

I corrected a set of Composition papers in Class 2.

The spelling is poor. I took a lesson in the same class on the 1st Declension (Latin) and I took part in a lesson on the geology of Spain in Class 5.

14th October

Examinations as usual.

I went my usual round of inspections.

16th October

I took a mental arithmetic lesson in Class 5 and a Latin lesson in Class 8.

17th October

Heard a lesson on Algebraically Fractions in Class 7.

Service as usual.

18th October

Heard part of a lesson in Class 6 on Averages in arithmetic and another lesson in Class 7.

19th October

Took Scripture (St Mathew) in Upper School,

Heard a lesson on the Sudan Period by Mr. Barker in Class 6. Took part in a lesson on Paraphrasing in Class 7. Gave a long lesson on Ed: 1st in Class 5

Most of the School attended a Dress Rehearsal of the "Jan of the Windmill" at the Girl's School.

(A novel by Jan of the Windmill, by Juliana Horatia Ewing. 1841-1885) (John F. Editor)

20th October,

I took my usual Latin Lesson in Class 2 and heard Mr Price give a Geometry lesson in Class 5.

Attended a very excellent performance of "Jan of the Windmill" at Dow Hill.

21st October

Examinations as usual. I marked a set of Comprehension papers in Class 1 and Infants. Both classes have made excellent progress and their condition reflects great credit on Mrs. Sharp, their teacher.

22nd October

Service for both Schools in the new Chapel conducted by Mr Waite.

23rd October

I took Latin in the 8th Class a good lesson.

Later, took Recitation in Class 4: this was in splendid order and very well advanced indeed.

24th October

A beautiful morning. I gave 1st School as a holiday. During the afternoon, I gave a General Knowledge Lesson in Class 3. Boys dismally ignorant of common topics.

26th October

I recapped the lesson on Yorkshire to Class 7, and took a lesson on the Latin Declarations in Class 2.

28th October

I allowed most of the boys to attend the Goethals Sports and gave the morning session off.

29th October

Mr. Waite took Service to both Schools.

30th October

The Maharaja of Burdwan's picnic at the Land of the Lakes – thorough success.

31st October

Service as usual. Looked through Weekly Examinations papers, I took Latin in Class 7. This Class in this subject need hustling.

1st November

I took a geography lesson on England in Class 5 – a nice class, well disciplined and forward in their work.

2nd November

Took part of work in Class 6 till they went to the Range.

I gave Mr. Barker casual leave for two days, as he was chosen to superintend the N.B.M.R. Shooting practice as usual.

3rd November

I relieved my wife of Class 2, all day, in order to allow her to Superintend the cooking for our Sports tiffin.

4th November

Our Annual Athletic Sports Carnival. The greatest success we have ever had. Fine weather, and a good program and a record audience.

Miss Brock and Mr. Prothers were present. [Ed. Note: Miss Brock was an Inspector of schools in Bengal].

6th November

I cancelled the Cricket match for today and resumed school,

Very busy cleaning up after the Sports.

7th November

I took Class 2 all day, having given my wife casual leave to proceed to Calcutta to see the Doctor.

Dance at the Girl's School.

8th November

Took Class 2 again.

Mr. Prothers examined Class 8 in Hindi.

9th November

Took Class 2 again and also conducted an examination in Upper and Lower Infants and Class 1 in Reading and Recitation. These Classes are splendidly forward and reflect the highest credit on Mrs. Sharp who is, I think, one of the most successful Infant Teachers I have had to do with.

As instructed by Mr. Prothers I wrote today informing Babu ????? of the Darjeeling High School, that he would be temporarily appointed as Munshi of this School in place of Babu ???? . Who today was relieved of his duties he having been appointed a lecturer in the Patna College. The new Munshi has been asked to take up his duties here on the 1st March 1912.

12th November

I am still conducting the examinations in class 2.

Students Dance at the Girls School to which our Staff and six of our oldest boys were invited.

16th November

Examinations practically ended today. My wife returned from Calcutta and took over her class.

18th November

Half holiday for Volunteer Picnic.

19th November

Mr. Waite took Service (Matins and Communion) for both Schools.

23rd November

Took part in and heard Mr. Cranenburgh take a lesson in Arithmetic. Very poor indeed. The Class has been badly taught and the teacher's work on the board is slow and slovenly.

24th November

I heard Mr. Cranenburgh take a lesson in the Geography of India. I also took part in it. The lesson was a poor one and the class learned little or nothing.

25th November

During the week I have carefully inspected the examination papers throughout the school. Those of the 3rd Class were very poor and very carelessly marked. I do not consider that this class is getting fair play. If Mr. Cranenburgh remains on here, he will have to put in much better work than he is doing.

30th November

Closed our Registers for the year.

The boys left under escort on the 1st, 3rd and 4th of December, 7 boys remaining back for the Cambridge Local examinations.

Nothing of special importance occurred during the holidays. I was kept occupied most of the time in stripping and cleaning the place and in equipping it for the coming term.



[Ed Note: I had some excellent assistance from a friend of mine, Mrs Fay White who kindly typed in the year of 1911 up to the end of the year for me. Thanks Fay.]